Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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1 Subject

Chapter 5-8

Chapter 5-8

Q Assignment for this week: Read and write 2 journal paper entries - Due by February 18th. Read chapters 1-4 and 5-8 on Reformation Thought by McGrath - on my google books account Write a 2 page report on the following questions for each chapter division chapters 1-4 and 5-8: WHAT DOES THIS MATTER journal Must be one paper on Ch 1-4 and one paper on Chapter 5-8 - Answer the following questions on the journal • What relevance do this week’s readings have for the Church of the 21st century? What is to be learned? Remembered? Forgotten? • What relevance do this week’s readings have for my field of service - hospital chaplain for me • What relevance do this week’s readings have for me as a person? Where is God in this? What invitations can or should be explored? The rubric is in the syllabus I sent. All paper must be Turabian 12 point Time New Roman.

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This week’s readings provide insights about the issues in the early Church like the ways in which indulgences used to be sold by the Catholic priests during the time of Martin Luther. This is because there are practices like the selling of indulgences still prevalent in remote areas of the church mostly. There are members of the church who are not very educated and they might not understand the implications and the true meaning of the selling of indulgences. Therefore, they would just follow what the priests would tell them to. In this way, such members of the church would be exploited for not using their own sense of morality/justification by faith and rationality.